Floro International presented its conversion mounting for CIS 40mm AGL in a Textron 1-meter Turret of PMC. At the 7th International Aviation Maritime & Defense show in Manila.
The Floro company (same owners as Floro Blue Printing…) exhibited a conversion mounting for the Textron Marine & Land Systems 1 Meter Turret of the Philippine Marine Corps V150 and V300 vehicles.
21 May 2001
Floro International Corporation has announced today that it will be participating in the competition for the repair and upgrade of the V150, V300 Light Armoured Vehicles (LAV) of the Philippine Army and Marines under the modernization program of the Armed Forces of the Philippines.
f l o r o
will be teaming up with Singapore Technologies Kinetic to perform the work in f l o r o 's defense manufacturing plant in Tanay, Rizal."All the work will be done in the Philippines to ensure that planned
Left: Interior view of turret mount for 40mm AGL. <><> Right: Turret on loan from Marines
Photos from Defense Technology Monthly May 2001
The turret was loaned by the Marines for proof and trials to fit a Chartered Industries of Singapore (Singapore Technologies) 40mm Automatic Grenade Launcher that has been purchased by the Armed Forces of the Philippines in limited quantities.
The conversion can be fitted in lieu of the 7.62mm or 12.5mm machine gun on the left or right mounting cradles.
It is not known if Floro will also be providing a periscope / gun sight with an aiming reticle for the 40mm trajectory.
The V-300 vehicles had the option to be fitted with a 40mm AGL from the factory using the MK19 MOD3 40mm HMG manufactured by SACO in the USA.
But this option and several others that included the winch, smoke grenade launchers, etc. were not included as a savings measure when the V-300 was selected for the US Military Assistance Program (MAP) grant for the Philippine Marines in the early 1990s.
The experience of the Marine armor in Central Mindanao showed that the AGL would have been a useful weapon.
The 40mm 1 Meter Turret has been seen on many occasions on the AAV-7s of visiting USMC units during the Balikatan and CARAT exercises.